Nonograms Katana Wiki

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Nonograms Katana Wiki

Battering ram (Kikkosha) is an item. It is mostly acquired for levelling. It is mostly used for faster solving of nonograms. Note that this page contains only acquisitions and uses for Battering ram. For example, for crafting a certain item, additional items might be needed.

In-game description: Fills 25% of a puzzle. If there are errors, the area is reduced. Can be applied only once.
Sack While solving a puzzle, open the "sack" in the game menu.

Explanation: Solves 25% of a puzzle, similar to how a human would. If there are errors, the area is reduced. Can be applied only once per puzzle.

Note: Battering ram can't be used, if Firework, Anchor or Steamobile has already been used on the same puzzle.


Battering ram (Kikkosha) can be acquired by:

  • Crafting it in Workshop.
    • Items required: 20 x Wooden beam, 4 x Steel.
    • Items crafted: 1 x Battering ram.
      • Craftable at once: 1 x Battering ram.
      • ...with Conveyor lvl. 1: 2 x Battering ram.
      • ...with Conveyor lvl. 2: 4 x Battering ram.
    • Crafted in:
      • 3h (with 0% boost)
      • 2h 42m (with 10% boost)
      • 2h 24m (with 20% boost)
      • 2h 6m (with 30% boost)
      • 1h 48m (with 40% boost)
      • 1h 30m (with 50% boost)
      • 1h 12m (with 60% boost)
    • Requires: Workshop lvl. 5.
  • Completing quests.
    • Honor, Glory, Sushi: 5 x Battering ram.
  • Levelling up.
    • Every level, beginning at lvl. 14, 1 x Battering ram is rewarded.


Battering ram (Kikkosha) can be used for:


Battering ram is one of the few items, that the game regularly annotates with a Japanese name in parentheses. Specifically, Battering ram is referred to as "Battering ram (Kikkosha)". Kikkosha in Japanese is 亀甲車, which literally translates to "turtle car".
