Nonograms Katana Wiki

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Nonograms Katana Wiki

This folder contains pre-installed (sometimes also called "standard") colored nonograms, which are made by ucdevs (where no author is specified) and by "belko61" (where author is specified). Nonograms are sorted by size. The player cannot judge these nonograms like they can for user created nonograms, but the player still gets rewards, if they've joined the Guild first.

Colored Nonograms

Colored Nonograms menu.

Colored Nonograms Beginner[]

Golden Mean Colored (18-35, Author: belko61)[]

Golden Mean Colored Part 2 (21-34, Author: belko61)[]

Colored Nonograms by belko61 Part 1 (18-55)[]

Colored Nonograms by belko61 Part 2 (30-75)[]

Colored Nonograms by belko61 Part 3 (16-80)[]
