Nonograms Katana Wiki

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Nonograms Katana Wiki

This page describes the in-game user interface (or in-game UI for short). The UI allows the player to choose between placing boxes, crosses, or other marks that can help solve the nonogram. It also allows use of weapons (only available to guild participants), customization of the nonogram colors and toolbar, and much more. You will encounter this UI every time you want to solve a nonogram, so getting familiar with it is essential.

User interface and number bars

Number bars and user interface.

Number bars[]

Number bars (sometimes also called "clues") are ambiguous instructions for how to solve a nonogram. They are ambiguous, because the player must figure out through logic how to color each cell. Number bars are comprised of one vertical bar and one horizontal bar. The vertical bar gives the clues for how cells should be colored vertically, and the horizontal bar gives the clues for how cells should be colored horizontally.

Number bars have 3 extra settings, which are mainly used for easier solving of 20x20 or bigger nonograms. Touch and drag on parts of the number bars to use these features:

  • Number bar - scroll the number bar between clues.
  • Black arrow with yellow overlay - move the number bar closer or farther from the nonogram grid.
  • Black triangle with blue overlay - increase or decrease the size of numbers/cells on the number bars.
Numbers bar explanation

Explanation of number bars.


The toolbar consist of 10 main buttons, most of which can be can be customized. Below are explanations of buttons, menus and sub-menus.

Default buttons
Button Explanation
Color button Color button - when selected, tapping on a cell colors it black or the color selected. When tapped, opens a menu with two options.
Cross button Cross button - when selected, tapping on a cell puts a cross on it. Cells with crosses mean, that these cells are 100% NOT colored.
Mark button Mark button - when selected, tapping on a cell marks a cell with the mark selected. These marks mean that a cell can be colored or crossed. Marks are only meant for easier solving (e.g. counting cells). When tapped, opens a menu with different mark options.
Cell clear button Clear cell button - when selected, tapping on a cell clears the cell of colors, crosses or marks (sets the cell to the original state).
Tools Tools button - opens tools. If selected, the player can color the nonogram by dragging, but not move around it (see move button below).
Move button Move button - when selected, allows the player to drag the nonogram to move around it (more useful on big nonograms). If move button is selected, the player can tap a cell to color it (box, cross or mark) or tap, hold and then drag to color multiple cells.
Back button
Back button - colored
Back button - tapping on it, undoes player's last action. This button is faded until player's first action, player's first action or after the player locks the state.
Forward button
Forward button - colored
Forward button - tapping on it, goes one action forward. This button is faded until the player taps the back button.
Zen menu Zen button - opens the Zen menu.
Options button Options button - opens the options menu.

Color button has 2 options:

  • Option 1: All-in-one button All-in-one button - cycle between color-cross-empty every time the player taps on a cell.
  • Option 2: Color button2 Color button (default) - color or clear the cell on tap.
Color button screenshot

Color button selected.


Marks are used for marking cells. Marked cells are not counted as boxes or crosses, but more like empty cells. They are usually used for easier counting of cells or marking, which cells could be boxes. Below are listed all the possible marks:

Mark button screenshot

Marks - dot mark selected.

  • Mark A mark A
  • Mark B mark B
  • Mark C mark C
  • Mark exlamation point exclamation mark
  • Mark question mark question mark
  • Mark zen zen mark
  • Mark dot dot mark (default)
  • Mark slash slash mark
  • Mark arrows arrow marks - if you drag them across cells, they change the arrow mark to the arrow mark dragged in that direction

There is also a little menu that shows when a certain mark is selected. When marks are drawn the player can then select one of these options in the menu to change the marks drawn into the selected option (box, cross or empty cell). These menus are faded, when no marks are on the nonogram grid.


Tools are meant to help the player solve nonograms faster, easier and improve your solving experience as a whole.

Toolbar - tools

Tools - line tool selected.

Line tool Straight line: drag to color cells in a straight line. The direction of the line can be changed, while drawing it by moving your finger closer to the wanted direction. This tool can't draw diagonal lines.

Free hand tool Arbitrary line: drag to color any cell your finger touches. Can draw diagonal lines 2 cells wide and even 1 cell wide, if you are careful enough. Can't draw arrow marks diagonally (only in one direction).

Rectangle tool Rectangle: drag from one corner of the desired area to the opposite corner to color cells in a shape of a rectangle.

Paint bucket Paint bucket: tap on a box, square, cross or mark to color the entire section. It colors every cell that is touching (not diagonal touching) the box, square, cross or mark you have tapped. Behaves very oddly when paired with arrow marks.

Color picker Color picker: tap on a box, square, cross or mark to select a color, empty square, cross or a mark; then it switches to the line tool or free hand tool - depends on what you have used the latest. Can be also tapped and dragged; then it switches to the line tool and after releasing switches back to the color picker. Can also be tapped on number bars.

Ruler Ruler: hold on a box, cross, mark, cell or clue to measure the length of the selected line. Drag to measure the length of the selected line. Detailed explanation:

  • When tapping and holding on a box, cross, cell or mark - measures the height and the width of the selected box, cross, cell or mark (must be a continues line and longer than 3 cells).
  • When tapping and holding on a clue (in number bars) - measures and calculates the length of the entire line with crosses.
  • When dragging a box, cross, cell or mark - measures the length of the selected line (it doesn't matter if it's a box, square, cross or mark).
  • When dragging on clues - measures and calculates the length of the selected clues with crosses.

There is also an option to lock or unlock already drawn boxes/crosses. If it's unlocked (left image), the player can freely draw over/overwrite boxes and cross. If it's locked (right image), some special rules apply:
Tools - unlocked Tools - locked

  • If boxes are selected, you can't draw over/overwrite crosses, unless you start from a cross.
  • If cross are selected, you can't draw over/overwrite boxes, unless you start from a box.
  • If marks are selected, you can't draw over/overwrite either boxes or crosses.
  • If empty cell is selected, you can still draw over/overwrite boxes or crosses.

Zen menu[]

In Zen menu there are even more options for solving nonograms. The table below has the explanation for every button in this menu.

Zen menu whole

Zen menu.

Button Zen menu - Lock Current State
Explanation Locks every box and cross (not mark). You can't change these boxes or crosses once they're locked - you have to unlock the state first. Usually paired with Boomerang or "Check Correctness".
Button Zen menu - Unlock All
Explanation Unlocks every box and cross. Now you can edit all boxes and crosses again.
Button Zen menu - Clear Unlocked
Explanation Clears every box and cross, which isn't locked. Usually used in Contradiction method.
Button Zen menu - Fill All Trivial Lines
Explanation Fills all trivial lines. This can be used when ever a nonogram has trivial lines - even in the middle of solving. When there are no trivial lines this button is faded and can't be tapped.
Button Zen menu - Check Correctness
Explanation Checks if every box and cross is placed correctly. If there are mistakes, one hint will be consumed and one cell will be fixed. Functions the same as Boomerang, but instead consumes hints.
Button Zen menu - View Answer
Explanation Shows the answer/solution as an image. This feature is only available with VIP.
Button Zen menu - Rotate Puzzle
Zen menu - Rotate Puzzle2
Explanation Rotates the nonogram 90 degrees clockwise and moves the number bars accordingly. When tapped again the nonogram is rotated back to the original position. After tapped the icon also changes.
Button Zen menu - Print
Explanation Prints the puzzle to paper. Goes to "Select printer" screen, where you have different printing options.
Button Zen menu - Customize Toolbar
Explanation Allows you to fully customize the toolbar (see images below). Drag icons you want to have to where you want to have them and save it by tapping the green check mark. You can also tap the three vertical dots beside the green check mark to enable/disable compact toolbar or to set the toolbar to default (before you have edited it). Icons in the bin section removes them from the toolbar.
Button Zen menu - Restart
Explanation Clears the nonogram grid.


Here you can find other settings, that you might want.

Toolbar - options

Toolbar - options menu.

Icon Explanation
Cursor icon Displays a cursor, which you can move (by dragging the triangle part) and draw with (by tapping or dragging the circle part). Double tap on the cursor's triangle part to flip it. Highlights the cell it's under. This can be useful for large nonograms.
Mini toolbar icon Displays a mini toolbar with box, cross and empty cell icon. This mini toolbar can also be moved.
Help icon Opens a brief explanation of how to solve nonograms and how to use UI.
Hints icon Gives you a hint - functions similar to Fan. By default you have 15 hints, but you can increase them by building Pagoda, by buying VIP. You can also increase/decrease the amount of hints with classes.
Sack icon Opens a menu, which allows you to use various items (image below). The sack menu won't hide after an item has been selected, if you tap Pin sack icon the pin icon.
Palette icon Opens a menu, which allows you to customize the look nonograms (see Palette).
Settings icon Opens Settings.


Here you can customize the colors of nonograms.

Options - Palette

Palette menu.

Buttons/options Explanation
Palette - Saved layouts Here you can find 6 color palettes for nonograms. You can even make your own palette and save it to the space above the floppy disk icon by tapping the floppy disk icon.
Palette - dark-light mode Changes the nonogram to light/dark mode (light/dark color palette). Dark mode is always the same color palette.
Palette - customize Here you can choose a color for anything on the nonogram (empty cell, nonogram grid, background of number bars, box, items showing solutions/hints, highlighted lines). You can then save the color palette by tapping "OK" or by tapping outside the menu.
Palette - backgrounds Here you can choose between 9 different backgrounds.
Palette - numbers Here you can choose between 10 different designs for boxes, 15 different designs for numbers and 3 different designs for crossed numbers (see images below).
Palette - dark mode

Dark mode.
